Static Rituals

The Static Rituals were a Toledo, Ohio-based band formed in 1996. Starting out in high school, they were quite prolific, but slowed down in later years. The band had well over 40 members in their constantly changing line-up, a la The Fall (band) including Dan Greunke of Glide, Ben Swank of Soledad Brothers and Mayuko Hyachi of Detroit's Cyril Lords. The band still plays shows few and far between. The current line-up as of the Summer of 2008 includes Leara Dallas, Kevin Bodnar, Matthew Wood and William Tuite. Well regarded for their participation on the "Purr Like A Kitten" LP, they were also known for their faux band feuds with fellow Toledo, Ohio-based bands Stylex, Premonitions of War and others, which toward the end of the '90s, was a distraction of their musical ability leading to a focus more on their drinking and shock aspect. This might have led to the end of their productive run for the 2000s.


Style Over Substance (2004 LP, CD)

Norka (2003 EP, CD)

Self-Released (2001 EP, CD)

Style Over Substance (2000 LP, CD)

Style Over Substance (1998 LP, CD)

Style Over Substance (1997 LP, Vinyl)


The band formed in Southeast Michigan, but became a staple in Toledo, Ohio in the mid-to-late 1990s at local rock venues such as Frankie's Inner-City and Mickey Finn's Pub. To date, their most well-known release is their contributions to the "Purr Like A Kitten" LP compilation, which featured tracks from other Toledo, Ohio and Detroit area musicians such as Jessica Bailiff and Soledad Brothers, among others. There have been many line-up changes in the 12 year history, and because they have slowed down their pace, their live shows in recent years have been up in the air as to whether or not it's going to be a 2-piece, a 5-piece, a punk show, a cover show, drag show, or any other combination of former, special guest or current members. There have been many falling outs, on-stage and off, break-ups and reunions. The only known future plan is the release of their fourth full-length studio album, entitled "The Steadfast Passion Vacuum", but this has been set back twice already, with the current goal of a 2009 release.
